Post by Azure on Jul 25, 2011 20:28:33 GMT -5
I haven't ever really explained what exactly each staff member's job is. So here I am going to list what is expected so that anyone looking for a position or has gotten one will know what their job will be to make EP a fun and relaxing roleplay site for everyone to enjoy.
- Accepting characters
- Contribute to updates
- Report members
- Link back on sites
- Accept characters
- Contribute to updates
- Report members
- Give staff edits and reminders on posts
- Link back on sites
Global Moderator.
- Accept characters
- Contribute to updates
- Report/Ban members
- Give staff edits and reminders on posts
- Link back on sites
- Affiliate on sites
- Accept characters
- Post updates
- Ban members
- Give staff edits and reminders on posts
- Link back to sites
- Affiliate on sites
- Edit global headers/footers
- Edit skin
Each staff member also receives 10 000 EP points if they become a staff member.
As for my job, I basically do all of the above and keep the site going so more people can join our little community. =P If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Thanks!